Case Study

Benchmark Index helps Devon business leaders upskill

Digital Advantage Devon sought a digital tool that could assess a businesses’ current digital maturity level, as well as track their progress over time. Benchmark Index delivered.

Case Study

Increasing digital adoption in Cumbria

Winning Moves took a multi-pronged approach to supporting Cumbria SMEs in their adoption of digital technology. The results were overwhelmingly positive.

Case Study

Construction Gateway: A blueprint for building skills and employability

As part of the government’s ‘levelling up’ agenda, Construction Gateway provides training in construction skills to address the skills gap and meet the region’s specific business needs.


Cyber Governance Health Check 2018

Winning Moves delivered the 2018 Cyber Governance Health Check, which examines UK FTSE 350 companies’ understanding and approach to cyber security.

Case Study

Supply chain localisation in South Africa

As part of a programme to boost the South African economy and help to bridge racial inequality, Benchmark Index has been custormised to underpin an initiative to build the local South African supply chain.


Evaluation of the Transitional Arrangements for Demand-Side Response

The Transitional Agreements were a pilot designed to support BEIS’s overall objectives of promoting growth and energy security, while ensuring affordability of the energy supply.


Review of the Waste Prevention Programme for England

WRAP commissioned Winning Moves to review DEFRA’s Waste Prevention Programme for England. Using a range of methodologies, we found that significant improvements were made in measuring and monitoring waste, especially within the commercial and industrial sector.


Evaluation of Money Advice Service Budget Planner 

The Money Advice Service created an online tool, Budget Planner, which helps users get an overview of their money and helps them manage their finances. Winning Moves was asked to design and deliver the evaluation of the Budget Planner.


Resource efficiency clusters case study research 

Resource efficiency clusters are geographic or sector-based concentrations of interconnected companies, specialised suppliers, services providers, and associated institutions which have a focus on how businesses can improve the way in which resources are used.


Public Sector Energy Efficiency Loans scheme: Evaluation 

This report presents findings from the first phase of the evaluation of the Public Sector Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme. This scheme provides interest free loans to public sector bodies to support the installation of energy efficiency measures.


Humber business digital technology research: Interim Results

Winning Moves was tasked with exploring the state of digital and technology adoption amongst businesses in the Humber area. In this interim report we provide an overview of the digital maturity levels of businesses in the area, which technologies are being used by the businesses, barriers to the adoption of digital technology, and their digital plans for the future.


Smart Systems and Heat Phase 2: Evaluation Report

Smart Systems and Heat Phase 2 (SSH2) was a programme to develop evidence on how to facilitate the adoption of low-carbon heating technologies through the development of digitally enabled services. Winning Moves delivered an interim and final evaluation of the programme.