Building stronger supply chains across Ireland

Working with InterTradeIreland, Winning Moves developed a tool to assess the robustness, agility and resilience of existing and potential future SME supply chains, building stronger cross border supply chains across the Island of Ireland.


From fruit bowl to fridge: A fresh produce intervention.

Winning Moves conducted the evaluation report on WRAP’s food waste intervention designed to decrease the 1.6 million tonnes of fresh fruit, veg and salad that are wasted each year in UK homes.

Case Study

Evaluation of the national ERDF in England, 2014-20

Winning Moves was part of a consortium commissioned by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to evaluate the impacts of the national European Regional Development Fund programme in England from 2014 to 2020.

Case Study

Evaluation of the Smart Sustainable Plastics Packaging Challenge

UKRI commissioned Winning Moves to complete a second phase evaluation of the SSPP Challenge, which covers more than 80 projects that aim to deliver a reduction in single-use plastic packaging and support new and improved recycling technologies.

Case Study

Evaluation of reforms to the Renewable Heat Incentive

As part of an expert evaluation consortium, Winning Moves supported the evaluation of the impacts and effectiveness of the Renewable Heat Initiative.

Case Study

Identifying Liverpool businesses with high growth potential

Winning Moves was commissioned by Liverpool’s Growth Platform to develop a diagnostic resource to provide a robust understanding of individual SMEs and the ability to identify businesses with high growth potential.

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Evaluation of the Adult Education Budget

Winning Moves was commissioned by the West Midlands Combined Authority to evaluate the impact of the Adult Education Budget in each of the first four years of the programme.

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WRAP impact assessment and cost benefit analyses 

Winning Moves has completed several large-scale national impact evaluations and value for money assessments, covering the entirety of WRAP’s work in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, as well as bespoke assessments for the Plastics Pact and Textiles 2030.  

Case Study

Digital Cheshire increases productivity through digital adoption

Understanding that an increase in productivity is not only good for businesses, but also the economy, Cheshire East Borough Council created Digital Cheshire to help businesses grow through digital solutions. Winning Moves delivered the programme.

Case Study

Developing digital skills to ‘re-boot’ the regional and national economy

The West Midlands Combined Authority ran a pilot to deliver skills training in innovative ways to ensure the skill needs were met. Winning Moves evaluated the programme’s delivery and outcomes, evidencing its success and future potential.

Case Study

Helping Worcestershire SMEs and manufacturers grow though technology

Commissioned to provide businesses across Worcestershire with an injection of specialist advice to accelerate their digital adoption and support manufacturers on their journey to Industry 4.0, Winning Moves supported 60 companies across two projects.

Case Study

Building a more impactful business support ecosystem

The North East Growth Hub Cluster wanted a platform to better align and integrate the collective endeavours of all stakeholders to deliver transformational impact.