Contacted by Us?

We may have contacted to invite you to take part in research. Here are some commonly asked questions which may help you better understand why.

  1. Is this a sales call? No, Winning Moves carries out research projects. We speak to people, like you, on behalf of our clients in order to help them design and deliver better services. We abide by the Market Research Society Code of Conduct which forbids any sales or selling activity associated with research.
  2. Do I have to take part? No, there is no requirement for you to participate in any research. If you would like us not to call you again, please email your details to
  3.  Where did you get my number? Sometimes our clients pass us details of those they would like us to contact, and sometimes we get contact details from companies like Experian or from the public domain. As each project differs, please visit our Project Privacy Notices page where you’ll find all of our privacy notices and more details.  
  4. How can I validate that you are a genuine market research consultancy? As a registered Company Partner, you can check our credentials with our industry body, The Market Research Society, by calling their freephone number 0800 975 9596 or visiting their website

If you would still like to get in touch, please either call Winning Moves on +44(0)121 285 3800 and select ‘option 1’ or email

Thank you

Thank you very much for taking the time to learn more about our work and, importantly, for considering taking part in our research.