Winning Moves have partnered with the London Borough of Hounslow and ReLondon to provide monitoring and evaluation of their ‘demonstrator circular economy neighbourhood’ project.
The 24-month programme will embed several circular economy opportunities in one neighbourhood with an aim to achieve significant positive behaviour change – where the community will consume stuff differently, waste less, reuse, repair, share and recycle more.
The London Borough of Hounslow declared a climate emergency in 2019 and pledged to become a net zero local authority by 2030. This project, which will take place in the Heston Village area of the Borough, aims to show how communities can rise to the challenges of climate change by changing the way we think about and use our resources.
A circular economy is one that moves away from the disposable society to one in which things are kept in use for as long as possible – delivering the highest value it can, for as long as it can. Rather than a linear economy where we make, use and then throw away products, a circular economy looks at each life stage of a product for new ways of cycling materials and value back into the system.
Based upon the project Theory of Change, Winning Moves will monitor and evaluate the Heston Village project to demonstrate whether the project has achieved its intended outcomes and impacts. We will deliver this through the use of a before-and-after study measuring outcomes in the community before the project goes live and again after the project has concluded, along with evaluation of waste and tonnage figures, including current and historical data for comparison.
“We are always excited to join innovative pilot projects that have the potential to push our society one step closer to Net Zero,” said Michelle Hollier, Director of Research and Evaluation for Winning Moves. “We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with The Borough of Hounslow and to work again with ReLondon.”
Working across a wide variety of policy areas, Winning Moves are trusted by clients to design and deliver robust evaluation and incisive analysis, providing invaluable insight for evidence-based decision making. Our evaluation offer consists of a full spectrum of services, covering all aspects of evaluation design and implementation alongside capacity building. In addition to behavioural change studies, our expertise and experience include:
- Collating and synthesising a wide range of evaluation evidence to draw conclusions about impact. Winning Moves is currently conducting a wider project with ReLondon to identify and synthesise relevant data and impact evidence at the level of individual interventions, to develop an organisation-level baseline.
- Evaluation of initiatives within specified locations. We conducted an evaluation of the TRiFOCAL London (Transforming City Food Habits for Life) project. TRiFOCAL was an initiative undertaken by 15 London Boroughs, bringing together a wide range of audience groups (including organisations, community groups and schools) to communicate with Londoners on food waste prevention, food waste recycling and healthy sustainable eating.
The Heston Village project will run through March 2024.